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Holiday Party
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: Member Event

A.R.T./New York Holiday Party

Thursday, November 30, 2023
4pm-8pm ET

Format: In Person
Location: South Oxford Space 138 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn NY 11217


Join us for a relaxed and cozy gathering of the A.R.T./New York community on November 30th at South Oxford Space. Our annual holiday party is an opportunity for us all to gather, reflect, and celebrate.


This year brought an abundance of new beginnings, growth opportunities, and joyful celebrations. From the opening of our four brand new studios at Spaces at 520, celebrating our 50th year of service with a House Party, receiving a Lucille Lortel award for Outstanding Body of Work, to the most recent success of The Fall Forum, we have been proud to spend the year revolutionizing the way we serve our members. We’d love to celebrate the year with you!


Join us for this family-friendly and festive get-together at South Oxford Space.






Contact: [email protected]