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The Advocators: Forging Paths to Better Pay! A Panel Discussion
Wednesday, June 05, 2024, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Panel

The Advocators: Forging Paths to Better Pay! A Panel Discussion


Wednesday June 5, 2024
12:00pm-2:00pm ET

Format: In Person
Location: A.R.T./New York Spaces@520 // 520 8th Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY

We know that so many of us working in theatre are passionate about our work. We also depend on our employment to help sustain our lives in a city that is more expensive than ever before. Though many institutions face financial challenges, implementing more equitable compensation models is in all of our best interest. This panel is an opportunity to listen to and learn from freelance artists and workers who are advocating for pay equity and new ways to implement change. We hold this space to uplift these advocates, to discuss accountability, and to learn how individuals and organizations can work together to better support a thriving theatrical ecosystem. 

Moderated by Sam Morreale 

Joanna Carpenter
Ife Olujobi
Emma Orme
Barbara Samuels 

This panel will also be live streamed in partnership with Howlround and Transcend Streaming.



ASL interpretation and CART captioning services are available by request; We kindly ask that requests for additional accommodations are submitted by Tuesday May 28. You may request accommodations directly on the registration form, or by contacting Ashley J. Hicks at [email protected]. We understand that this is not an exhaustive list, so if you have questions or if there is anything else we might be able to provide in order to make our programming accessible to you, we’d love to hear from you.


Contact: [email protected]