Theatre Communications Group/APASO Fiscal Health Survey
Thursday, September 29, 2011 12:05 PM


A.R.T./New York, in partnership with Theatre Communications Group (TCG) and the Association of Performing Arts Service Organizations (APASO), is conducting another very short snapshot survey to get an up-to-the-minute sense of how your arts organization is faring. The information gathered in this survey will contribute to a regional and national picture of the fiscal health of the arts, so we urge you to complete it! Even if you don't think all of the questions are relevant to your organization, we do ask that you participate as long as you are a not-for-profit arts organization.


  1. This survey will not require you to crunch any numbers and should only take 5-10 minutes. You must begin and submit it during the same session; you cannot save your answers and submit them later.
  2. If you receive this survey from more than one service organization, please fill it out only once, but do select all service organizations with which you are affiliated on the preliminary information page.
  3. If your fiscal year 2011 is not yet over, please estimate where you will be.
  4. In order to provide an accurate analysis of the data, this survey is intended only for not-for-profit arts organizations. Those who should NOT fill this survey out include arts service organizations, individual artists or teachers, commercial producers or companies, and for-profit theatre camps or studios.
  5. If you have any questions about the survey, please email Chris Shuff at [email protected]


The link to the survey is:

The survey deadline is Friday, October 7, 2011.